In a continuation of the school life theme, I thought I'd share details of my forays into teaching proper.
I thought with my science background, science would be a good subject to teach. It is the final term of the year here (school holidays are almost bang on the same as the old three term year in NZ) and the only outstanding topic for science in the P4 class is rabbit breeding. It is as tedious as it sounds. I don't think rabbit meat is particularly popular here! Random fact for the day was that one of the five exotic breeds I had to teach the kids about today was the New Zealand White. In my rabbit breeding ignorance I had never even heard of the breed!
Anyway the module it is going pretty well. The most frustrating aspect is the variation of ability in the class. The bright kids follow everything and always get the answers correct. The kids that are behind in class don't even understand the questions on the board (which is all too obvious from the answers written in their exercise books).
The system here just doesn't cater for the slower kids. It breaks my heart that they just sit there carefully writing answers to questions they don't even understand. But who knows, maybe that's life with teaching.
This weekend I'm off to watch Uganda vs Zambia, a big football match. On Sunday I'll be rafting the Nile. It's tough but someone has to do it...
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